Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Find Out Whos Concerned About University of Chicago College Essay Samples and Why You Should Listen to Them

Find Out Who's Concerned About University of Chicago College Essay Samples and Why You Should Listen to Them Up in Arms About University of Chicago College Essay Samples? There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Furthermore, the high quality and originality of the item is guaranteed. At times, the best method to learn and understand new information is by way of seeing and understanding work which is already completed. You don't have to be worried about your personal details that could be viewed, as we handle the matter on a safe network. I have always enjoyed riding in cars. Explain the auto connection better. Descriptive essay about an auto accident. The exact same is true in the United States of america. Thus, State University isn't only the ideal location for me, it is the sole spot for me. On top of its growing cultural and ethnic diversity, it is becoming a master at creating a niche for every student. The University of Chicago is known for quirky and elaborate essay prompts. Who Else Wants to Learn About University of Chicago College Essay Samples? Last, don't neglect to connect your very own past experiences and accomplishments to the resources you decide to highlight. Student loans aren't free money and has to be paid back. The findings reveal that in Malaysia, it's quite complex to demonstrate negligence in instances of road accidents because proving a case is contingent on the elements to be proven. Yet, three decades later, not one of that transpired. The application text needs to be effective to put in the college. All you need to do is to locate reliable sources of information which offer writing tips. You have to construct a good outline before you write. Inside this section you'll also find more comprehensive info about each stage in the application approach. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Stem Cell Research Should it be Permitted

Stem cell related diseases affect over 100 million americans (White). Right now, there are plenty of government funds for stem cell research, and if we continue on the same path as we are now, stem cell research should be successful; however, the ethics used for embryonic stem cell research are incomprehensibly horrific (Stem cell policy). If this continues to be funded, it could have answers to numerous major diseases, including why they are caused, prevention, and cures for the diseases. More scientific research, however, needs to go into more possible solutions, to find a more humane method of treating these diseases that pleases both sides of the stem cell research debate, for the solutions, now, are not very strong. Because stem†¦show more content†¦Perhaps the most effective of those, however, are embryonic stem cells, which occur in the early development of an embryo, or a baby in the early stages of the womb, and they can change into any different cell type (Stem ce ll - about). The controversial topic of stem cell research has been a controversial topic for a very long time. In 2001, George Bush severely restricted government-funded stem cell research. In 2009, Barack Obama allowed it. The order says that National Institutes of health can produce new procedures and policies in which the money can be used. On August 23, 2010, a federal judge issued an order blocking all research of stem-cells, including that allowed even when Bush was president. On July 27, 2011, Royce Lamberth, Chief judge of the federal court in Washington, D.C., said that stem cells could be used for life-threatening diseases. The Court of Appeals agreed with this, and the case was brought to a close (Stem cell policy). There are many good things that could occur from embryonic stem cell research, including numerous areas of scientific potential. Over 100 million americans suffer from stem cell related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, etc., and a breakthrough in stem cell research could find causes and solutions of the problemShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells1034 Words   |  5 PagesFor decades, researchers’ use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus areRead MoreThe Federal Funding Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research1554 Words   |  7 PagesThe subject in this article is about the federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. The argument is about Research on human embryonic stem cells and the development of therapies for chronic and debilitating diseases. The question is should the federal government of the United States provide funding for the stem cell research? The thesis of the argument is â€Å"others worry that even if research on embryos is not wrong in itself, it will open the way to a slippery slope of dehumanizing practicesRead MoreThe Ethics of Stem Cell Research Essay741 Words   |  3 Pages Embryonic stem cell research can be easily defined. A stem is defined as something that is developed from. A cell is defined as a microscopic living organism. According to Dennis Hollinger, Embryonic stem cell research uses from the embryos inner cell mass that give rise to each of the human bodys many different tissue types(1). In our modern day society, stem cell research has become a cont roversial topic. Several people strongly oppose the idea of the research, but many are struggling forRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cells : The Moral Dilemma898 Words   |  4 PagesHUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS: THE MORAL DILEMMA Stem cells are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division, even after long periods of inactivity. Stems cells can develop into many different cell types within the body during early life and growth. Stem cells can also serve as an internal repair of sorts inside many tissues. When a stem cell divides, it has the potential to either become another type of cell with a specialized function or remain a stem cell. The abilitiesRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research992 Words   |  4 Pagesbut now it is almost a possibility. Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that, although unspecialized, can differentiate into various specialized cells, such as nerves, muscle, skin, or even blood. Sadly, controversy surrounds this relatively new scientific concept and it threatens to destroy the potential of this discovery before scientists even have a chance to study it thoroughly. Human embryonic stem cell research should be permitted to advance due to the potential of being able to treatRead MoreShould Cloning Be Allowed?1440 Words   |  6 Pagesof a sheep, so scientists start to speculate the different uses of cloning human embryos. The three forms of cloning that stand out are reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, and cloning for scientific research. Cloning should be permitted, but only reproductive cloning should be permitted with a limit on the number of babies a person or f amily can reproduce. The arguments that support cloning depend on the type of cloning being discussed: Reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning are someRead MoreCloning And Its Implications On Human Cloning1497 Words   |  6 Pageswalking down a street and seeing someone who looks exactly like you. They do the same things as you, act the same way you do, and are exactly alike in several ways. But have people ever considered the consequences of human cloning if it becomes permitted? Human cloning might seem like something out of a science-fiction novel, but it may someday be possible with advances in science and technology. This will result in the creation of several ethical and moral issues for those in the field of geneticsRead MoreBenefits of Cloning Essay1375 Words   |  6 Pagesdisgust and question themselves if humans should play God while others would be interested and study the many possibilities that cloning offers. This illustrates the path that cloning has taken over the latter part o f the twentieth century. At first, when cloning was brought up in conversations, people tended to fearfully think of an army of identical persons marching across the earth in hopes of ruling humans. This and many other absurd notions of clones stem from science fiction movies and booksRead MoreStem Cell Research : Stem Cells1416 Words   |  6 PagesDana Moua English IV 25 April 2016 Stem Cell Research What are stem cells? Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are found in multicellular organisms. The reason for scientist’s interest in stem cells is because of the possible applications of using them. These stem cells can be used to regrow organs/tissues. By using stem cells, scientists may be able to find cures for different cancers, certain genetic diseases, and different physical trauma damages. They can be used to treat a varietyRead MoreThe Ethical Implications Of Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy1399 Words   |  6 Pages The advancement of embryonic stem cell therapies and transplants has drastically changed the realm of medical research. However, the use of human embryos is an ethical concern among researchers around the world. There are several benefits for embryonic stem cells therapy. Embryonic stem cells are beneficial to researchers due to their unique ability to replicate themselves and make specialized cells for any tissue in the body. These cells serve as a potential to cure various diseases and disabilities

Monday, December 9, 2019

Thinking Styles - Negotiation & Conflict Management

Question: Discuss about the Thinking Styles, Negotiation Conflict Management. Answer: Introduction This presentation is a negotiation process on behalf of a client-vendor against the purchaser. The commercial asset on sale is the real estate owned by my client. The presentation covers three main areas, namely: pre-negotiation, negotiation, and post-negotiation. Pre-negotiation Thinking style according to Lauren?iu and Ramona (2014, pg. 21) is a concept that determines the link between ones intellectual capabilities and his/her personality. My thinking style is Monarchic. With this thinking style, one prefers solving one problem after the other. My level of thinking style is internal. In this case, I prefer dealing with tasks that require some engagement with particular, solid chores that require substantial accuracy in execution. The Internal level of thinking style is particularly important in ensuring best results in a given task. The Monarch form of thinking style and the internal level of thinking are sufficient in for ensuring an optimal for administering this negotiation. A Monarchic form of thinking styles allows one to be focused and objective in solving a given problem. All the energy and concentration is put into a given engagement (Lauren?iu and Ramona, 2014). On the other hand, the internal level of thinking style in this negotiation will ensure the negotiator is specific to the issues of the subject, and that, clear and accurate decisions are made in the negotiation process. To ensure a more optimal thinking styles for this particular task, the specific adjustment that needs to be considered is borrowing some ideas from other forms and levels of thinking styles. To cite as an example, as a negotiator should adopt the idea of an anarchic form of thinking styles that allows executions of multiple tasks that allow some level of flexibility and have no formal structure (Lauren?iu and Ramona, 2014). By so doing, the negotiator will be able to engage in many tasks in the negotiation without many problems. Also, the negotiator can also borrow the ideas of solving problems that are more open and general and that expect one to think in a more abstract way. The reason for making such as an adjustment is to ensure that one is prepared in case the purchaser decides to employ an internal level of thinking style in this engagement. BATNA simply refers to a Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. The client's BATNA for the real estate investment is $175 million, and the reservation value is $150 million. The $175 million is the amount the other purchaser had offered to give as payment for the investment, and $150 million is the predetermined minimum value of offer the client can accept for the investment. The BATNA of the purchaser is $135 million, and the reservation value is $163 million. The $135 million is the budgeted amount the other party had prepared to pay for the property and $163 is the highest they can stretch the budget for the commercial asset. This means that the purchaser can afford to any amount between $135 and $163 million for the asset. ZOPA is the Zone of Possible Agreement. In the sale of property, product or services, ZOPA is the intellectual region where two parties in the negotiation can agree. In this case, the ZOPA lies between $150 million and $163 million. This is the comfort area where the negotiation should be focused by both parties. However, this is not final as my client may opt out of the negotiation if a better offer is placed on the table by another vendor. The best strategy to obtaining a greater proportion of the ZOPA is by raising the reservation value. This will force the purchase to increase his/her BATNA. Negotiation Entering into negotiation requires that the seller makes an offer to the buyer, in this case, the selling of a real estate. The intention is to attract the potential offers for purchase from different vendors. This process involves the use of a contract that is prepared by the real estate local association with the support of their legal counsel. The sole purpose of preparing the contract is to allow vendors the opportunity to understand the property is of what nature and its market price (Bruce and Ray 2006). The contract document also provides room for specifying the clauses the parties wish to be factored in the agreement including the purchase terms, the closing of negotiations, the official handover, the amount required for deposits and any other conditions that will bind the contract. Once the buyers complete making their offers, they will be expected to make an official delivery to the seller. The most potential buyer is appraised, and the negotiation is moved to the next stage. The negotiator will expect that the potential buyer to give a detailed offer. The offer of a suitable buyer will be the basis for further negotiations. The negotiator is entitled with the right to accept, reject or even give a counter offer after a detailed review of its details. With a counter offer, the negotiation process is initiated (Bruce and Ray 2006). The Complete counter offer should entail the following information: the deadlines for giving feedback, dealing with various contingencies and other special conditions such as asset inspection and the financing arrangements. This will lead to several exchanges between the negotiator and the buying part until the agreement is reached or the negotiations fold, and the log below is documentation of all the communications between the two parties. Table 1: Communication Log Date Method Items Discussed Outcomes 01/05/2017 Video conferencing Purchase Price and Terms of Payment This was the first item that was discussed and agreed. The selling price that was agreed by both parties is $160 million. The two parties also agreed that the payment should be done by the specific land contract that will be attached to the contract as part of the reference. According to the agreement, the parties also committed that during the closing of the sale, a 40% down payment and the remaining balance of 60% be paid with at the interest rate of 12% per year. 08/06/207 Video conferencing Earnest money payment During the negotiation, the parties agreed that the deposit of 40% ($64 million) be made through the broker during the time of closing the sale. The parties also went further to clarify that in case the offer is not accepted, the money will be promptly deposited back to the brokers account. On the other hand, in a situation where the offer is accepted by the owner and the buyers fails to perform other obligations of the contract, the money deposited as earnest will be forfeited to pay for any damages afflicted to the seller (Lax and Sebenius,1986). 06/07/2017 Video conferencing Taxes and other adjustments The parties also concurred that any levies, taxes, and charges that will accrue against the property should be paid by the seller up to the date of closing the sale after accepting the purchase offer, and will be paid by the seller in a prorated manner (Lax and Sebenius, 2003). Further, all insurances attached to the property shall be canceled at a prorated rate and the responsibility transferred to the buyer during the closing time. 20/07/2017 Email exchange Title of the real estate In this discussion, the two parties also came to a conclusion that during the closing, shall promptly give an abstract of the property title to the buyer at the sellers expense. Further, the policy must show all the marketable title at the sellers reasonable time and must provide room to correct any defects (Lax and Sebenius, 1986). At the closing of the sale, the seller must give the title to the purchaser and must have a good and sufficient warranty, and that is free from all liens and obstructions saving as otherwise given in the offer. 01/08/2017 Email exchange Property Ownership/Possession Once the closing of the sale is done, the seller must transfer the possession of the asset to the purchaser, and in case he/she fails to do so, the seller will not be a tenant to the buyer, but the seller will be forced to pay 0.005% for damages every day. All other remedies will remain with the purchaser as provided for by the law. 16/08/2017 Telephone conversation Risk of Loss Any damage or loss done to asset preceding closing of the sale, the seller will take responsibility. 05/09/2017 Telephone conversation Developments and fixtures considered The offer and purchase price include all the properties and other assets therein. 20/08/2017 Email exchange General conditions The sale of the property expressly confirms agreement of all clauses of the contract by both the seller and the supplier. 10/10/2017 Roundtable meeting Time to accept and close the sale The parties agreed to close the sale in a period of six months. Post Negotiation (Report) The following are the issues that were covered in the negotiation, the outcome, and the possible next move: The negotiator did apply the monarchic form of thinking style and internal level of thinking style. Our BATNA to the negotiation is $175 million, and the reserved value is $150 million. On the other hand, the BATNA for the purchaser is $135 million, and their reserved value is $163 million. After extensive negotiations, the agreed price was $160 million. Further, the other important items that were covered in the report include the following: earnest money payment, taxes and other adjustments and title of the real estate. The others are property ownership/possession, the risk of losses, developments, and fixtures, general conditions and time to accept and close the sale. After extensive negotiations, the parties agreed that the process of closing the sale of the real estate would take approximately six months. The following are the outstanding issues of the negotiation process: the agreed price for the property is $160 million. According to the agreement, the parties also committed that during the closing of the sale, a 40% down payment and the remaining balance of 60% be paid at the interest rate of 12% per year. The title deed of the real estate transfer. At the closing of the sale, the seller must give the title to the purchaser, and it must have a good and sufficient warranty that is free from all liens and obstructions saving as otherwise given in the offer. Property Ownership/Possession- the seller must transfer the possession of the asset to the purchaser at the closing of the sale and failure to do so, a certain fee will accrue. In general, the negotiation should be implemented since the sale value of $160 million is above the reserved value of $150 million and there is no any other purchaser who is giving us a better offer. References Bruce, B, and Ray, F 2006, Bargainer Characteristics in Distributive and Integrative Negotiation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.74 (2), pp. 345-359 Lauren?iu, PM, and Ramona, P 2014, Adaptation of the Thinking Styles Inventory (TSI) within a Romanian student sample Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology 2014, Vol. 16, No. 1, 20-24 Lax, D. A., and Sebenius, JK (1986). The Manager as Negotiator: Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain. New York, The Free Press. Lax, DA and Sebenius JK 2003, "3-D Negotiation: Are You Playing the Whole Game?" Harvard Business Review 81(11): 64-74. Bibliography Gardner, H 2006, Multiple intelligences: New horizons. New York: Perseus. Golden, D 2006, The price of admission. New York: Crown. Hunt, E Carlson, J 2007, Considerations relating to the study of group differences in intelligence. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 194---213. Johnson, W Bouchard, TJ 2005, The structure of human intelligence: It is verbal, perceptual, and image rotation (VPR), not fluid and crystallized. Journal of Intelligence vol. 33 (14), p.393-416. McCrae, RR John, OP 1992). An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. Journal of Personality, 60, 175-215. Michael, B 2014 The Role of Emotions in Effective Negotiations, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, Baker Library, Bloomberg Center Pruitt, D. G., Carnevale, EJ 1993, Negotiation in social conflict. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Robert JS and Elena, LG 1997, Are Cognitive Styles Still in Style? Yale University. Robert, JS, 2015, Successful Intelligence: A model for testing intelligence beyond IQ tests: European Journal of Education and Psychology Vol. 8, pg. 76-84 Sedlacek, WE 2004, Beyond the big test: Non-cognitive assessment in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Shell, GR 2006, Bargaining for AdvantageNegotiations Strategies for Reasonable People. New York: Penguin Books, 2006. Sternberg, R. J., Grigorenko, EL (Eds.). (2002). The general factor of intelligence: How general is it?. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Sternberg, RJ, Jarvin, L Grigorenko, EL 2011, Explorations of the nature of giftedness. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Privacy Essays - Feminism, Human Behavior, Misconduct,

Privacy A person has a right to solitude and freedom from prying public eyes, in other words, to privacy. The definition of privacy in the Webster's Dictionary is defined as isolation, seclusion, or freedom from unauthorized oversight or observation. In the essay The Price of Admission: Harassment and Free Speech in the Wild Wild West, Stephanie Brail discusses how online harassment has become a media headliner in the last few years. There are many reasons to hide your real identity when you use the Internet. You might want to protect yourself against an oppressive government, or post personal messages to a Usenet newsgroup without identifying yourself to the whole world as the poster. Although everyone takes privacy in normal life for granted, trying to get the same level of privacy on the Internet (or even on your own computer) is a little less accepted, and sometimes a bit more complicated. While the general attitude is hard to change, many ways exist to enhance your privacy online. For the most part, total privacy does not exist on the Internet. It is nearly impossible to erase all of your digital footprints. This does not warrant panicking, however. On-line shopping at reliable sites is perfectly safe, and risks to your personal privacy are minimal. However there are steps you can take to ensure that you have a certain level of anonymity when browsing the web. Visit the other Privacy sections for software and information on anonymous e-mail web browsing, and file- security. Stephani Brail was an internet resident since 1988 when she discovered the price of freedom when she became the focus of the first case of sexual harassment on the Net to attract national attention. She believes that online harassment is already killing free speech on the Internet. Brail discusses in her essay about internet harassment which has received a lot of press in the past few years. Women seem to be becoming increasingly subject to offensive, sometimes threatening behavior in the workplace, on campuses, and now, on the internet . She also discusses when harassment takes on a threatening tenor and the subject of the harassment is placed in fear, it may become actionable not only in civil courts, but criminal courts as well. Various state and federal statutes regarding harassment and stalking have been enacted to attempt to deal with such unwelcome attention, and its harmful effects. As technology progresses, so have legal regulations and remedies. Seeing cyberspace as their domain, some men apparently feel that female users must be ready to accept hostility as the price for online participation. This rationalization for open hostility and harassment toward women seems to be analogous to the experiences of women entering traditionally male-dominated professions and trades, particularly during the past three decades. A person has a right to solitude and freedom from prying public eyes, in other words, to privacy. The definition of privacy in the Webster's Dictionary is defined as isolation, seclusion, or freedom from unauthorized oversight or observation. In the essay The Price of Admission: Harassment and Free Speech in the Wild Wild West, Stephanie Brail discusses how online harassment has become a media headliner in the last few years. English Essays

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why I want to be an Army Aviator Essays

Why I want to be an Army Aviator Essays Why I want to be an Army Aviator Essay Why I want to be an Army Aviator Essay Each of us has different aspirations in life. Being responsible and determined are the key roles in being successful in life. They can help us to aim for higher goals. My name is (insert your name here) I wanted to be an Army Aviator and I have all the knowledge and skills for the said position.The different challenges we face in our day-to-day lives help us become who we are today. These experiences give us a glimpse of reality and allowed us to strive hard and become the best that we can be. As a child, I have always believed that I am special. I believe that someday I will be notable for doing something not only for my family but for the benefit of my countrymen. Although I faced so many struggles I maintain my optimism and hard work. I was able to learn backgrounds about aviation and how important the job of an army aviator is. Because of this, I grew up knowing that even if I have a lot of imperfections, I can still hone myself to succeed and be recognize d for my skills. I always give my best in everything I do. For me, being in this position is essential in the success of y individuality. It will make me overwhelmed because I am trusted with handling not only the aircraft but also the lives of people who I am with. Once given the chance to be in the position I will strive hard and rise above the rest.Being an army aviator is one great privilege that should not be taken for granted. I am motivated to travel the road towards becoming an extraordinary army aviator where I can participate in service and in innovating goals and ideas. I have the right mindset, cognitive ability, perceptual accuracy and speed, personality and the right attitude to be in the position. I love the practice of army aviation and I am blessed with priceless knowledge that will serve as my driving force to continue the journey towards my true calling.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Best Practices Are The Worst Advice With Jay Acunzo From Unthinkable

Best Practices Are The Worst Advice With Jay Acunzo From Unthinkable Marketers are always searching for advice that they can apply to their marketing efforts and strategies. Luckily, plenty of people are more than willing to share their expertise, ideas, and â€Å"best† practices. Don’t simply emulate them and their words of wisdom. The biggest problem is sameness. Everything is the same, and no one stands out. Rather than just taking their advice, make it your own, put your spin on it, and do what works best for your business. Today, my guest is Jay Acunzo, founder of Unthinkable Media and author of Break the Wheel. He describes how to push yourself to ask the right questions and make the right decisions when surrounded by conventional thinking. Some of the highlights of the show include: Two Stories to Jay’s Career: LinkedIn’s about logos, and liking process of making things through tinkering and not caring if anybody consumes it Google was a great place to work; brand, perks, awesomely smart co-workers Following prescribed path because that’s what you’re â€Å"supposed to do† Expertise and checking a bunch of boxes doesn’t make a great career Everyone wants best practices and guidance because they’re afraid of what to do Unthinkable Stories: People did something that seemed crazy, but they clearly explain why what they did was practical and strategic Being taught there’s a right and wrong answer, and approaching marketing the same way; the real answer is, it dependson context Push yourself beyond commodity work and do something exceptional instead Problems: We don’t want to be average, and we don’t operate in a generality Understand your specific situation and use it as a decision-making filter to find clarity; borrow from your situation and what’s proven to work elsewhere Six fundamental questions to ask to understand how to operate in a more contextualized way for your environment Pike Syndrome: Psychological barrier to making decisions with clarity; based on situation, instead of generality Context parts in every situation: You/team, customer/audience, and resources Reasons for Decisions: Learned helplessness, foraging choice, cultural fluency Aspirational Anchor: Personal- or team-based mission statement; articulates behaviors to change Links: Unthinkable Media Unthinkable Newsletter Break the Wheel HubSpot NextView Ventures Who should be on the show? What topics should be covered? Send your suggestions! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Jay Acunzo: â€Å"Instead of searching for the muse, it’s a lot more effective just to put out a lot of bad work. You’ll get better a lot faster. You’ll find your inspiration and your answers.† â€Å"I like to make things that make me feel and make other people feel, too. I just so happened to be doing that in a business context.† â€Å"Finding best practices, in and of itself, is not the goal. Finding the best approach for you is. We’ve never been really taught how to do that.† â€Å"I was just shown how broken it is, that we think expertise and just checking a bunch of boxes, makes for a great career. That’s just not the case.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mental processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mental processes - Essay Example t of questions asked about how the mental processes are relevant to our everyday activities and whether it is possible to study the mind when we cannot see the mind. The mind-brain identity theory holds that the mind is the brain and that mental states are the brains. It identifies sensations and other mental phenomena with the physical processes of the brain (Brook & Roberts, 178). This theory views the mind and brain as being identical. Unlike other philosophers, who argue that, experiences are brain processes, but are non-physical properties. The brain-mind theory affirms that mind is a physical thing, which is the brain. This theory disagrees with both substance dualism and property dualism theories (Mandik, 263). The theory maintains that mind is the brain just like water is H2O or lighting is electricity (Brook & Robert, 178). It dismisses the substance dualism on the ground that the mind is non-physical by affirming the mind as being a thing, which is the brain. The theory also disagrees with the property dualism on the basis of brain properties such as qualia are non-physical properties (Mandik, 264). According to the theory, qualia indeed are properties, but they are one and similar to the brain properties. This theory refers to the mental state as something literally, inner, since a person’s brain is literally inside the body (Mandik, 265). The mind-brain theory gives an explanation of the correlation of mental states with brain states, as it highlights the role of empirical investigation about mind and bra in. It also solves the mind causation problems as it reduces mental realm to physical (Mandik, 265). This theory plays a role as it investigates the process of the mental state from the physical perspective. However, the mind theory faces the challenge of multiple realizability in which it states, for every mental state there is a unique physical-chemical state of the brain in the sense that a life form can be in the mental state on condition that it

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

DIgital Image iilustration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

DIgital Image iilustration - Research Paper Example Filippa Hamilton, who is Ralph Lauren’s model in the advertisement related to Blue Label. She is portrayed as a â€Å"skinny model whose waistline was whittled so tiny she appears warped next to her elastic limbs† (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Ralph Lauren himself commented on that matter stating that the picture should be taken down as it portrayed the wrong image of his model, Filippa Hamilton. The image was also termed as â€Å"not recommended† as teen girls and young children would want to be a replica of the model and in the real sense the picture was digitally manipulated (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Other occurrence cases are like the one for O. J. Simpson. On June 27th 1994, Time Magazine used a mug shot belonging to O.J Simpson in their article where their photo illustrator Matt Mahurin was fined heavily for variably darkening and blurring the complexion color of the mug shot photo and also r educing the size of his prisoner ID Number (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). The ethics behind this picture was that, critics charged Time Magazine with racism because the picture was blurred and darkened posing O.J Simpson as a very black man. War brewed between Time Magazine and its rival News Week, where the rival claimed that the photo should not have been altered at all (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). Beyonce’s photographs are also said to have been digitally manipulated to give her lighter complexion in the Feria hair color ads. The concept behind this was that Beyonce’s pictures were manipulated so that L'Oreal Paris could actually make more sales by making it more appealing to the customers. This implicated that the product could only be sold to its targeted customers who were lighter skinned as compared to darker skinned customers. That is, the product could only attract a larger audienc e if the picture was lighter (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). February last year, Beyonce wore a black mini dress that happened to reveal an unusually pale skin. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, a Ugandan-born British journalist and author accused the singer of â€Å"betraying all Black and Asian women†. â€Å"Too many black and Asian children grow up understanding the sad truth that to have dark skin is to be somehow inferior. Of course, black and Asian parents work hard to give their children a positive self-image and confidence in their appearance, despite the cultural forces stacked against them. But when black celebrities appear to deny their heritage by trying to make themselves look white, I despair for the youngsters who see those images (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, â€Å"The Daily Mail: Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women†). In 2007, England officially rebuked L'Oreal Paris for misleading its customers with an advertisement of Penelope Cruz in which L'Oreal Paris claimed that the product actually lengthened eyelashes up to 60%. In the real case Penelope Cruz was wearing false extended eye lashes (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Annie Leibovitz, an American portrait photographer digitally manipulated her portraits and photographs so that they would look more of paintings as compared to the usual photographs. She went ahead and got an official portrait of the Queen that was later manipulated so th

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Female Acceptance into a Computer Based Society Essay Example for Free

Female Acceptance into a Computer Based Society Essay INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advancement on technology had brought different changes into the society. These aims to provide additional comfort and making things work more efficiently. But there are changes that people cannot prevent to happen. These are biological changes such as getting old.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   People respond to the aging process as a negative thing. Misconceptions arises that lead to common negative behavior towards the aging process. Getting old is a natural process. Anti-aging solutions are invented to prevent physical changes that it may cause like gray hair and wrinkles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Its no secret that our bodies change as we age. Physical as well as psychological changes as effect of aging can be experienced.   Some changes are obvious, while others are more subtle. Others, may experience the effects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, which can gradually diminish their abilities to participate fully in activities. While there are still people age comfortably and remain active, alert and vibrant throughout their lives. Their physiologic age may be quite younger than their chronological age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Because of the negative connotation on the process of aging, women who are known to be more conscious than men generally find it an issue to accept aging as a natural process of life. OBJECTIVES This study aims to discuss the impact of aging to the female group given in a modern and more advance society. This will provide description on how female cope, adapt and react to the aging process. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The research covers the issue of aging on female point of view. . It also provide an overview on what is aging and the physical and mental changes it bring to a person. This also identify some misconceptions about aging. SIGNIFICANCE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The study is significant to discuss the impact of aging to women. It identifies the reasons on how the female gender response to the stage of aging. It discusses the common misconceptions regarding aging that can be properly addressed. This study is also significant for future researches related to the topic. RELATED LITERATURE Misconceptions on Aging There are a lot of misconceptions about getting old. It is a negative connotation that aging means getting near to the end of growth. And that old age is a lonely stage of life. It is also a misconception that when one is old, he/she believes that there are only limited to certain activities especially in the physical aspect. One fears getting old because of the fear of loosing independence. Another misconception is that people think that the happy days of their lives were experienced when they are young. According to a recent study shown, these several misconceptions vary from the reality regarding the issue of aging.   The research was conducted by VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System and University of Michigan researchers to 540 adults who were between the ages of 21 and 40, or over age 60 . They were asked to rate their level of happiness through answering questions. The results are published in the June issue of the Journal of Happiness Studies, a major research journal in the field of positive psychology. There is a stereotype existing between the old and young in the society. One thinks that the happy days of his/her life happens only when he/she is young.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In another research by Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D., the concept of ageism was examined between younger and older men and women in the present study. It was entitled â€Å"Effects of Age and Gender on Perceptions of Younger and Older Adults†. The study discusses the older adults are perceived more negatively than younger adults. Through gender interaction effect, a significant age by was found. Both younger and older men rated stimulus older adults significantly less positively than stimulus younger adults. However, older women rated stimulus older adults significantly more positively than they rated other stimulus-age groups. Older women were the only subject group that did not exhibit a consistent negative bias against older adults. Conversely, younger women rated stimulus older adults more negatively than any subject group. Biological   Effects   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The effects of aging are obvious on the body. Our body is made up of cells and tissues that keep on regenerating and replenishing to keep our body sustaining. As we grow old, this process decreases where replacement of old to new cells are slowing causing the signs of aging to appear.   Physical changes like poor hearing and declining vision takes place. The strength of muscles lessens due to soft tissues like skin and blood vessels that became less flexible are some general changes that occur in the human body as it ages. Skin starts to become dry and wrinkled. It looses its elasticity and the glands function less so sweating occurs lesser than the usual. Moreover, there is an overall decline in body tone that can be observed. The body’s performance becomes less efficient. Not all people experience decreased organ function to the same degree—some individuals are healthier due to good diet and exercise when they are younger. Aging also affects the immune system of a person. Human antibody lessens their act against free radicals. The immune system also changes with age. The antibodies, disease-fighting proteins, protect the body against bacteria, viruses, and other harmful agents in a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system also prevents the growth of abnormal cells, which can become cancerous. With advancing age, the ability of the immune system to carry out these protective functions is diminished—the rate of antibody production may drop by as much as 80 percent between age 20 and age 85. This less-effective immune system explains why a bout of influenza, which may make a young adult sick for a few days, can be fatal for an elderly person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For females, these changes on the body due to the advancement of age have a greater issue.   Aging causes changes on the physical aspect of a person and one of the major effects of aging occurs in the female reproductive system. With aging, a womans breasts lose tissue and subcutaneous fat, reducing breast size and fullness. There is also a decrease in the number of mammary ducts. The breasts lose support. Aging breasts commonly flatten and sag, and the nipple may turn in slightly. The areola (the area surrounding the nipple) becomes smaller and may nearly disappear. Loss of hair around the nipple is common. Breast cancer risk increases with age. Women should perform monthly breast self-examinations. However, because breast self-exams do not always pick up early stages of breast cancer, women should also talk to their health care providers about mammograms. It also affects the fertility cycle of a woman. Menopausal stage takes place on about age 45 to age 55 of a female where the ovaries does not longer produce egg cells. This means that she can no longer bear a child. This is also the end of the menstrual cycle since there is no longer the release of sexual hormones that motivates the cycle. Although the average onset of menopause occurs in the early part of the sixth decade there is an observable, real and significant decline in the 10 to 15 years before menstruation ceases. Scientific studies on natural populations (those with high marital rates and no birth control) and on â€Å"infertility populations† all confirm the presence of an age related decline in female fertility independent of all other factors. This effect becomes most prominent after age 35.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aging cause loss of female fertility. Although menstrual irregularities generally begin to show in the last half of the 5th decade (a time termed perimenopause) there is a marked decrease in fertility in the 10 years preceding this that appears to be independent of male or pelvic factors and despite the occurrence of regular menstrual cycles and ovulation. Similarly a decrease in success rates for IVF is seen in this population as well. The discussion then seems to focus on whether this decrease in fertility is due to ovarian factors, uterine factors or both. In other mammals there does appear to be a host of age related uterine changes that do limit fertility however, initial studies in humans failed to show consistent aging changes. Furthermore it now seems that the endometrium of an ovulatory older woman with appropriate levels of estradiol and progesterone should be able to be appropriately receptive to and supportive of implantation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The catch here is that as we age, even while still regularly menstruating, there are subtle shifts in hormonal patterns that may make the endometrium less receptive. As an example, luteal phase defect is far more common at the edges of reproductive life (very young, very old, newly delivered) but progesterone supplementation, which in theory should overcome the defect, does not appear to have made a significant difference in pregnancy rates for older women. More compelling support for the idea that the problem is primarily ovarian in nature comes from the fact that pregnancy rates for younger women and older women undergoing IVF with donor eggs are quite comparable. There are however, still some questions about uterine receptivity and study is ongoing in attempts to isolate out the effect of the â€Å"older uterus† from the effect of aging eggs of poor quality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The bottom line for now seems to be that although everyone agrees that egg quality and ovarian reserve definitely decline with age and are perhaps the primary factors causing an age related decrease in female fertility, there may be uterine factors in play as well. Further study to elucidate the mechanisms at work and, hopefully, to devise new treatment options are indicated. A number of other studies investigates the effects of aging. Scientists have found, for example, a possible explanation for why women have longer average life spans than men. The difference seems to be biologically determined, and male and female sex hormones are probably responsible. The blood levels of female sex hormones drop sharply during menopause. At that time, the incidence of heart disease and high blood pressure in women increases to match the incidence in men, suggesting that the presence of female sex hormones offers some protection against heart disease. Aging Population   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In developed nations, life expectancy has increased more in the 20th century than it has in all of recorded history. A person born in the United States in 1995 can expect to live more than 35 years longer than a person born in 1900. Today more than 34 million Americans are 65 or older, accounting for about 13 percent of the population. By the year 2030, their numbers will more than double: One in every five Americans will be over age 65. A person who lives 100 years or more—a centenarian—was once a rarity, but today about 60,000 Americans are 100 years or older. By the year 2060, there may be as many as 2.5 million centenarians in the United States. The number of supercentenarians—people 105 years of age and older—will probably be as commonplace in the next century as centenarians are fast becoming now. How to Counteract with Aging   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Knowing what to expect and taking steps to counterbalance the effects of aging can help you maintain a young spirit and an independent life. A healthy diet, regular exercise program and positive attitude can help delay the onset and slow the progression of many age-related changes. Many of the changes in our musculoskeletal system result more from disuse than from simple aging. Fewer than 10 percent of Americans participate in regular exercise, and the most sedentary group is over age 50.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stretching is an excellent way to help maintain joint flexibility. Weight training can increase muscle mass and strength, enabling people to continue their daily routine activities without maximal exertion. Even moderate amounts of physical activity can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease and some forms of cancer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much recent research has been conducted on the effects of exercise on aging. In all of the studies described above, exercise had positive effects on aging. It has been found to increase reaction time, assist in predicting good aging, and improve psychological well-being. Factors such as health, social support, efficacy, and motivation are indicators of the maintenance of exercise. One should acknowledge the factors influencing exercise, recognize the numerous benefits of exercise, and take action at any age in order to live a more healthy and happy life now and in old age. Long-term regular exercises may slow the loss of muscle mass and prevent age-associated increases in body fat. Exercise also helps maintain the bodys response time, as well as its ability to deliver and use oxygen efficiently. Just 30 minutes of moderate activity, incorporated into your daily routine, can provide health benefits. An exercise program doesnt have to be strenuous to be effective. Walking, square dancing, swimming and bicycling are all recommended activities for maintaining fitness into old age. The 30 minutes of moderate activity can be broken up into shorter periods; you might spend 15 minutes working in the garden in the morning and 15 minutes walking in the afternoon. It all adds up. But if youve never attempted an exercise program before, be sure to see your doctor before starting one now. Psychological Aging   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Behavioral medicine research over the past several years has identified a umber of psychosocial characteristics that affect the development and course of a wide range of life-threatening illnesses. Included among these psychosocial risk factors are hostility, depression, social isolation, high job strain, and low socioeconomic status. The specific mechanisms whereby these factors influence the patho ­genesis and prognosis of major causes of death such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancer have not been identified yet, but considerable research points to accompanying health behaviors (smoking, dietary habits, and alco ­hol consumption) and biological characteristics (altered functions of the sym ­pathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems [SNS, PNS], of the hypothal ­amic-pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis, and of the immune system) as likely mediators. Finally, research evaluating interventions targeting psychosocial risk factors in groups of patients with CHD and cancer offer considerable promise that secondary prevention will be shown to have an important place in the treatment and rehabilitation of major chronic diseases . Anti-aging can be a difficult topic to address. A war is currently being fought over the meaning of anti-aging (as research, medicine, brand, or simply adjective) and thus even mentioning the term is likely to prejudice many readers. Defining Anti-Aging   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like it or not, anti-aging now has a number of quite different common meanings and connotations. Each is championed by a particular group or loose coalition of interests, but advocates for these groups have a way of diving into the fray without defining their terms. This makes reading about anti-aging techniques, technologies, medicine, products, and debates very confusing for the newcomer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the scientific community, anti-aging research refers exclusively to slowing, preventing, or reversing the aging process. There is, as of 2007, no medical technology that allows this to be done although the jury is still out on calorie restriction in humans. Nor is there any currently available method (short of waiting for people to die) to accurately measure the effects of an alleged anti-aging therapy. In the medical and more reputable business community, anti-aging medicine means early detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related diseases. This is quite different from tackling the aging process itself, and a wide array of strategies and therapies are currently available. Calorie restriction, for example, is a demonstrated way to lower risk for a wide range of age-related degenerative conditions. The wider business community including a great many fraudulent and frivolous ventures views anti-aging as a valuable brand and a demonstrated way to increase sales. At the worse end of the scale, this leads to snake oil salesmen, anti-aging creams that may or may not make your skin look younger, and infomercials that tout the anti-aging benefits of exercise machines. Broadly, and very charitably, we can look at these varied definitions of anti-aging as meaning to look and feel younger in some way which has no bearing on how long you live or how healthy you actually are.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The confusion of most interest is between the first two definitions. Many interventions lengthen life span for individuals by preventing or curing specific age-related diseases that would otherwise prove fatal. For example, ask yourself whether preventing heart disease or diabetes is anti-aging medicine. This would have no effect on the aging process, but it would help many people to live longer, healthier lives. Is this anti-aging research? Scientists say no, some medical and business groups say yes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aging is such a bad word in our society. We dont want to see old people, much less sit next to them. Even old people dont like to be around other old people.But maybe the reason that many seniors cant embrace their golden years is that they have never had it modeled for them. People today just live longer. The fastest growing segment in todays society is those 85 and older. Its a whole new ballgame for seniors today. A lot are unsure what to do or whats expected of them. In some ways, were pioneers showing younger folk what to do and what they can do when they are this age. Indeed, the work of a person growing old is that of becoming an elder, discovering spiritual treasures and passing them along to others. Despite physical limitations, there are many positives about aging, including more time to be spent in meditation and prayer, working on a closer connection to God and selves. That meditative work can encourage elders to review their lives, see how they made a difference as well as bringing up old wounds and pains. Its here that seniors need to work on forgiving others, themselves and God as they let go of past hurts, grudges and pains. AGING ON FEMALE’S PERSPECTIVE Response to Physical Changes It is a much issue for women when they feel they get old considering females to be a more conscious gender when it comes to the physical aspect. After discussing the physical changes that it can bring, without proper caring, one’s body can be a total wreck. Another issue that aging brought is that it lessen one’s self esteem. Women are conscious of their age. Youth implies beauty. Something that one tries to preserve while she is still has the youthfulness. That is why anti aging creams, pills etc. are in demand to most women. For example, there is a preference of choosing a younger female.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As women age their concerns about health grow—and rightfully so given that women are at greater risks for some health conditions. For example, according to the Illinois Department on Aging, heart disease is the No. 1 leading cause of death among older women. Women are twice as likely as men to die within the first year of having a heart attack. The second leading cause of death for women is cancer—specifically lung and breast cancer—and the third leading cause of death is stroke. Women who have hypertension or diabetes are at greater risk for heart disease and strokes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Like all women, lesbians are at risk for health problems associated with aging. Some evidence suggests that they may even be at greater risk for some age-related health problems. For example, because lesbians as a group are less likely to have been pregnant, more likely to drink alcohol and smoke—and more likely to be overweight—their risk of breast cancer may be greater than the risk among women in the general population. However, we need much more research before we can say much of anything for sure about lesbians’ risks for breast cancer or the other leading causes of death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women (CHLEW) study we are collecting information about these and many other health concerns of lesbians. We are happy to report that, in general, the 450 lesbians in our study are overall very healthy—in fact, when we first interviewed them in 2000-2001, 74% of them rated their health as good or excellent; only 7% said that their health was poor. Very few women in the study reported being diagnosed with breast cancer , heart disease, or diabetes. However, 17% said that they have high blood pressure (hypertension). One of the reasons for these low rates of problems is that the women are relatively young—the average age of the women in the study is 39 years (only about a quarter of them are over 45 years old). As they get older, lesbians, like other women, face higher risk for these serious health problems. Because we have not yet discovered the cure for aging it is important that we take care of ourselves in order to reduce these risks and improve our overall quality of life. Among the most important ways that we can take care of ourselves include getting regular exercise, not smoking, and using sodium (salt) and alcohol in moderation. Some misconceptions of women and the truth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The older I get, the worse my body will feel. The increasing stiffness and aches pains that often come with age are not a result of age, but are due to lack of movement. Although there are some changes in the tissues in the process of aging, one can continue to remain remarkably flexible and free of pain through something as simple as regular stretching.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Its too late to start taking care of myself it wont do any good at this age. A healthy lifestyle has been found to be one of the most important factors in how people age. Improvements in lifestyle (with the 3 key areas being good food, exercise and regular relaxation and rest) will bring improvements at any age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Im getting too old to learn new things Research shows that older people can, and do, learn new things. Attitude plays an important role. People who believe they can learn new things do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sex is only for the young. People can, and do, continue to enjoy sex well into their senior years. People are sexual beings throughout the life cycle, but sexuality is experienced differently at different ages. Changes in hormones affects the experience of sex, and one may need to find different ways to be intimate. Relaxation is key here so that we dont panic when things dont happen the way they used to. Aging does not imply that they are too old for sex but simply they need to give themselves some breathing room to become familiar with our changing physiologies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The older I get, the less attractive I become. There is nothing more attractive than someone who has aged well. There is a special radiance in a elderly person who is at peace with themselves and life. Attractiveness has absolutely nothing to do with age. Its never too late to change the two most important ingredients to graceful aging attitude and lifestyle.   At the risk of sounding like a broken record to those of you whove read my previous articles there are two very simple but essential lifestyle ingredients for successful aging -relaxation and stretching.       References:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Britain And Europe In The Seve :: essays research papers

J.R. Jones, a Professor of English History in the School of English Studies at the University of East Anglia, England, in Britain and Europe in the Seventeenth Century, has written a very informative and interesting book. Britain and Europe in the Seventeenth Century is a relatively short book that deals with the impact that Britain had on European affairs at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The thesis is basically summed up in the title of the book. To expand on the thesis, Dr. Jones emphasizes the close interdependence of Britain and Europe in the seventeenth century, and shows that events at home cannot be fully understood unless they are related to developments and forces abroad. In cultural and intellectual, as well as political and economic matters, the effect on Britain of foreign influences is for most of this period greater than that of Britain on Europe; one of the main questions that Dr. Jones considered when writing this book was why this relation was later reversed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In looking at this period as a whole there is a clear contrast between Britain’s isolation and unimportance in European affairs at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and Britain’s full involvement as a major influence after 1688. This involves intellectual and political matters. European intellectual developments during the first part of the century did not significantly affect the main part of English life, and English influences on Europe were negligible. The only groups interested in developments in Europe were minorities who were dissatisfied with the established order in Britain. For most of these “Puritans'; the Calvinist churches of Europe provided the model which they hoped to establish in England. During James I’s reign they were inspired by Dutch divines and encouraged in their opposition to royal policies. In economic and intellectual matters Scotland was basically a colony of Holland. But the partly formed Calvinist inter national, to which English Puritans and Scottish Presbyterians belonged, together with German, Czech, Swiss, Magyar, French, and Dutch churches, did not survive the 1620’s. It was shattered in the early disastrous phases of the Thirty Years War, and by the submission of the Huguenots when Louis XIII insisted on the elimination of foreign pastors, so that by the time English Puritanism temporarily triumphed during the English Revolution it held few European connections of any importance, and was dependent of its own intellectual resources.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The connections which bound Catholicism with Europe were more durable.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How powerful is The Bell Jar as a feminist text?

The Bell Jar is an attempt by Sylvia Plath to write about growing up as a woman, in America during the forties and fifties. It was first published in January 1963, before the fights for equal rights were debated in the late sixties and seventies. This was one of only a few novels, at its time, in which the main character and narrator was a woman. The novel may also show Esther's search for her identity, she thinks she knows what she wants but she becomes more and more uncertain as the novel unfolds. The struggle for women in those days is something which would we could not possibly understand. A lady could not even get a loan from the bank without her husband or father co-signing it. Unmarried women were denied birth control, and girls should not attend college. If they did it was expected that they were looking for a husband. The other girls in Esther's dormitory in college told her she was wasting her â€Å"golden college years†. Throughout the book, there are many possible role models for Esther, not all of who have a positive influence on her. Jay Cee is an experienced, successful editor at the magazine where Esther has won an internship. Plath writes of Jay Cee as being somewhat masculine. This may have been because at the time only men were successful so she felt for a woman to be successful she had to be manly. However Esther starts to aim some of her anger towards Jay Cee – â€Å"Jay Cee wanted to teach me something, all the old ladies I ever know wanted to teach me something, but I suddenly didn't think they had anything to teach me. † Esther dreamt of becoming a poet, but even her mother did not believe in her ambition. Her mother felt the only way she would succeed was if she learnt shorthand, as the highest position she would ever get was to be a secretary. Mrs. Greenwood never listened to what Esther had to say nor did she respond to her in any meaningful way. Mrs Greenwood felt that she was the perfect mother and the only way to show that was by bringing up the perfect set of children. The children's role was to behave well to reflect their mother's goodness. So when Esther refused to have shock treatments, Mrs. Greenwood said, â€Å"I knew my baby wasn't like that, I knew you'd decide to be alright again. † A lot of Esther's anger is aimed towards her mother and may even be the root of her illness. Mrs. Greenwood is everything that Esther doesn't want to be, which is the reason she hates to conform. She feels that if she starts doing what â€Å"normal ladies† do she will end up like her mother. Esther even went as far as talking off her own mother's death. When they both slept in the same room, Esther says, † The piggish noise irritated me, and for a while it seemed to me that the only way to stop it would be to take the column of skin and sinew from which it rose and twist it to silence between my hands. † After writing the book, Sylvia Plath told her brother that she wanted the novel to be published under a pseudonym. In those days, or even today, death wishes were not exactly the things to satisfy parental dreams. Buddy Willard is first seen, in the text, as a typical American male. Mrs. Greenwood says of him â€Å"he's so athletic and so handsome and so intelligent†¦ kind of person a girl should stay clean for. † Before Esther gets to know him she thinks he's wonderful, but as they get better acquainted her attitude towards him changes. Buddy Willard is a prime example of a cocksure male. He thinks men rule the world while women should just do what they're told. This does not help Esther when she is trying to find her role within society to feel accepted. Buddy Willard is shallow and does absolutely nothing to make Esther feel good about herself. He's insensitive and clumsy in his dealings with Esther. He refers to her poetry as dust; thereby dismissing the one thing that she believes has great value, through arrogance. The motive for her hatred for all the men in the novel except for one may stem from the fact that Sylvia Plath's husband left her in 1962 and she wrote â€Å"The Bell Jar† a year after. However her poem â€Å"Daddy†, which she wrote in the very same year was a lot harsher towards her father and was more of a gut response. Another thing that deeply annoyed Esther was the double standard for men and women. If a man slept with a woman without loving her it was perfectly acceptable, yet if a woman slept with a man whom she didn't love then she could be labelled a whore. There are proper codes of behaviour, particularly sexual ones for women and Mrs. Greenwood makes sure Esther knows of those by sending her a pamphlet about these codes. However Buddy is not expected to adhere to the same set of rules, so when Esther finds out he slept with a waitress, she shouldn't be hurt because it didn't mean anything! It is one of Esther's desires to be sexually liberal, along with being a poet or a successful writer.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lesson Mrs

To Mrs.. Rattail and the entire Business Communications class. My name is and I'm a 42 year old veteran, musician and constitutional activist. I'm single, which allows me plenty of time to dedicate myself to school, my music and an Important cause that I believe In. I began earning my college education about two years ago. They say It's never too late to go back to school and in this case, without a doubt I have to agree. My Initial motivation to enroll in college was a Job offer I received at a wedding. The V. P. F Operations over heard me speaking to a group of people I had Just met.He was Impressed enough that he extended an offer that if I earned a general business degree I would be hired at a digital communications and software design firm. The decision was easy on my part. I enrolled two days later. The Job he offered came with a handsome starting salary and benefits that will surely be beneficial due to the significant changes in the health care system. Before receiving the jo b offer. The thought of going to college had really never crossed my mind. I was born in Ohio but moved around a lot due to my father's career as an Army Special Forces Green Beret.He was an officer and was usually offing some third world country on some secret mission. Being raised on Army bases influenced me enough adjoin the US Navy in 1990. Three generations before me fought in a war and so it was almost a fulfillment of destiny that I fought in the Persian Gulf War in 1990. Being raised on Army bases and my own tour to duty was significant in shaping me Into the person I am today. These elite experiences have been paramount In beefing the direction In which I currently find myself headed In today. M an activist who fights for the cause of teaching people the Importance of preserving the constitution and the principles It represents. I have worked in many places and known many people throughout the world. These experiences have provided at least a portion of the communication sk ills needed In business. It has also helped me in spreading the word for a Just cause. I've always enjoyed talking with people, especially someone I'm Just meeting for the first time A gift of persuasion helps fine who I am. This opportunity I have to earn my degree in Business is one that I detonate lightly.Not only will my education give me a career and meaner to retire, but it has also opened doors in my personal life and helped give me the tools to fight for what I believe in which to me and many others is a noble, Just and prudent cause. I've met and networked with others with the same philosophy in life. This was made possible through the web design course and Microsoft Office classes I took in order to earn my degree. Being educated has put me further into the circle of people that I feel are important in helping me network this agenda.Currently my work is posted on the Internet through a website I built. Legibility's. Com has information about the constitution and links to o ther sites with information meant to inform those who believe In American Liberty. The cause Is for freedom that the constitution affords all Americans. The Amendments defined by civil liberty and the right of peaceful civil disobedience, assembly, religion and speech. The purpose Is to educate those who will listen about the American philosophy that Is being forgotten and that so many have sacrificed their lives defending.My Associates degree in Business Management of life. In this assignment, the use of internal and formal communications has been utilized as the structure of this paper is directed towards informing the audience of my personal background and interests, both on a personal and professional level (Till, 2009). The information contained within speaks truth and is straight forward and to the point. The main points are easily understood and read without errors. I have also provided a link to my website if anyone has interest in learning about this important cause.The onl y barriers in this presentation could possibly be that the information may be read with distractions such as noise from those who' may disagree with my point of view concerning freedom being traded for security (Till, 2009). If distractions occur at the time this is being presented there could be messages competing to be heard. There also could be too many filters if this essay isn't presented so that everyone understands it's purpose; which is to inform the audience about it's intended purpose of introducing myself and my interests.I have made this essay simple and easy to comprehend with the intention of allowing the audience to make a decision about weather or not to find out more about the cause that many have forgot in all essence, protects their way of life. To learn more about the constitution visit http://www. Legibility's. Com Sincerely

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Applications of AI Technology essays

Applications of AI Technology essays AI is one of the most rapidly expanding technology fields, and has applications in almost every other discipline in the world. AI technology, while new, is so pervasive that it has already become a critically important component in many other existing technologies. In this report, the use of AI will be discussed in the following fields: consumer electronics and home entertainment, the military, business, medicine, and exploration. AI in Consumer Electronics and Home Entertainment Although many people do not realize it, advanced AI exists all around us, and is all the time increasing its presence in our homes. In fact, AI play's a large role in many of the things that we use and interact with everyday, in a variety of ways both prominent and subtle. The most prominent area where AI is demonstrated to us at is home. While most people would automatically assume that this statement refers to something computer related, or something very technical and important, it is in fact through our toys that we see AI interact with us everyday. Although this notion may seem a bit ridiculous, it is in fact very much the truth. Video games and high tech toys draw us to them because they offer a level of interaction that other toys cannot match. It is to these objects that we go when we want to get away from the boring monotonous work a day world that our society has devolved (yes, devolved) into. Since we play with toys in order to put us in a better mood, it is therefore important that these toys and games are able to understand what we are doing and adapt to fit our needs. When someone boots up a video game, they do not wish to play with something that doesn't play back. What kind of video game would have only the player standing around not i nteracting with anything? When a child comes home from school and begins playing with their newest doll or action figure, it is much more fun to play with it when it uses its sensors to track and fire pla...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question

To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question By Guest Author This is a guest post by Idrees Patel. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Creative writers are divided into two camps: those who outline and those who don’t: the ones who write straight on and on. Is it wrong to outline? Which method brings the best results? From the beginning of writing, some people like to write an outline before starting writing. However, there are also many which hate to do so. And then there are some who mix the two methods to create their own method. But which is the best? There is no right answer for everyone. You must find your own right answer. Of course, this is the right answer but an elaboration for it isn’t quite a bad idea. So here’s the proper answer: outlining works for some people. And it doesn’t for others. The what and why of outlining is a must to know, so therefore, here is The What of Outlining To outline is to draw something of a big picture of your work (it may be anything, a novel, a story, a blog post, a sales letter etc) before starting to write the content. Outlining means to write all the ideas spinning in your mind down to paper and arrange them in a logical fashion to make the actual writing easier. Still confused? Here is the Wikipedia definition: An outline is a list of the main features of a given topic, often used as a rough draft or summary of the content of a document. A hierarchical outline is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships. Writers of fiction and creative nonfiction, such as Jon Franklin, may use outlines to establish plot sequence, character development and dramatic flow of a story, sometimes in conjunction with freewriting. Here is what a typical outline may look like: The abuses of television: How children stay late at night and don’t do their school homework How they hamper their eyesight by watching too much TV How bad programmes have a dangerous effect on teenagers How they dedicate too much time to it instead of taking part in useful pursuits And so on. The general opinion is that by doing outlining the writing process will become easier. Why? Because we now have a roadmap which we can follow. Or not The Advantages of Outlining 1. Not getting lost. This is clearly the biggest advantage. Some SOTP (seat of the pants writers) hate outlining. They write without having a roadmap and this is fun for some time. And then the inevitable happens. They don’t know what to write anymore. In contrast, having an outline means that writers always know what to write. 2. Deciding whether your work is good or not. If you don’t know how your story is going to end or go on, then you don’t really know whether it is good or not. It would be painful, wouldn’t it, to discover big plot holes and flaws after having written 50,000 words. Whereas if you outline you know instantly what flaws there are, and you can correct them easily. 3. Straying off the outline if you get a better way. If you are writing and then suddenly get an inspiration and think that the outline was poorer, you are entirely free to stray off the outline. It’s just that, an outline. This way you can compare the two ways, and decide which is better. You couldn’t do this if you didn’t have an outline. 4. Writing with a sense of flow. You know how this will go on. After finishing this, you know you’ve got to do that. Then there are no messy unorganized chapters and scenes (or whatever you’re else you’re writing). You get a sense of flow, and your work will be finished faster. The Disadvantages of Outlining 1. Spoils the mystery and the fun. Okay, sometimes you may not want mystery and you may not want any fun. In that case, you should ignore this point. But for fiction writers, some don’t want to outline because they feel they cannot use their creativity and it takes away all the fun if you just fill it up. To solve this problem, Randy Ingermanson revealed a new method – the Snowflake method. It does let you outline, but doesn’t let it spoil your story. 2. May not be as good as you first thought. If you get a complete different idea for your story later, your outline is pretty much useless work. Therefore, you should try to get all the best ideas from your brain and commit them down to paper to avoid this problem. 3. Just doesn’t seem to agree with your writing style. Some people find it hard to write from an outline. They want their writing to be creative: as creative as possible. I’m one of those writers, although I sometimes write few of my ideas so that I don’t forget it. Lengthy outlining doesn’t work for some, although it does for others. It’s useless to find a one-size-fit-all outlining method, simply because there’s no such thing. Conclusion: Undecided, no right answer for everyone It all comes back to square zero. There are ton of different writing methods and processes, even different outlining methods. But don’t just try to use one because it happens to be popular or famous. It may not work for you, and cost you a whole load of precious time. Only use the method which your brain seems to like. My writing method is a bit of a mix: not an outline and not a SOTP. Maybe yours is too; or maybe you like outlining in its most literal sense. Or maybe you hate it and just like to write freely. Take your pick and have fun. No reason to write if you don’t even like your writing method. Outlining works for some people. Some famous authors can’t write without a lengthy synopsis. If you’re an outliner, you’re in good company. And of course outlining doesn’t work for some people. If you’re a SOTP, you too are in good company of famous authors. Finally, if you choose to be creative and mix it up a little, you’ll find plenty more authors with your method. Just write with which you’re most comfortable. So that’s it. After having learned the advantages and disadvantages of outlining, it’s your choice whether you choose to use it or not. It doesn’t really matter as long as you enjoy writing. Write and love it. About the Author: Idrees Patel is a 13 year old blogging about creative writing tips at Check out his free series, Creative Writing 101: a beginner’s guide to creative writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two People20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lease assingment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lease assingment - Essay Example The first item that appears uncomfortable is leasing the bedroom apartment because I am not allowed to use any other part of the premise. Flexibility should be enhanced to all tenants by the proprietor in terms of using other sections of the premises (Jacobus 282). Another problem in the lease is that the contract runs for a year. As a tenant, I have no flexibility in terms of terminating the contract before the stipulated period. Moreover, the property manager, who is Joe Daworker, is responsible for handling issues concerning use of premises. A problem may arise making me want to talk directly to the owner of the premises. As a tenant, I feel that 1,455 US dollars is a lot of money to be paid to the proprietor within a single day because security deposit is to be paid during the signing of lease contract. The security deposit should be paid in installments because there is no guarantee that I will damage any part of the premises as a tenant. Another problem arises from possession o f the premises as outlined in lease contract. Since I will be entitled to possess the premises on the first day of signing the contract, I feel that the proprietor should also be responsible in ensuring the well-being of all tenants. This should involve carrying out maintenance and repairs of the one bedroom apartment during my stay in the premises. ... According to premise usage, the proprietor restricts any form of retail, professional and commercial activities within the apartment. In the event of carrying out any commercial activities, consent must be obtained from the proprietor by following. This item contrasts with possession rights because I should be allowed to carry out any legal activities within the apartment as a tenant. The proprietor requires tenants to get liability insurance before engaging in any professional or commercial activities. In the event of failing to abide by that item on the leasing agreement, the tenant is evicted from the premise with immediate effect because he or she is said to have breached the leasing contract. I find this item tedious and costly since the process of obtaining insurance liability is quite demanding and expensive (Jacobus 283). In terms of evicting the premise, I feel that every tenant should be given adequate time to find another apartment before being forced to vacate the premise s. The contract restricts any extra person apart from the tenant to stay in the apartment. I find this clause unrealistic because relatives and friends who may want to spend a couple of nights in the apartment. This item on the contract needs to be adjusted where tenants should be allowed to stay with their friends and relatives within the apartment. In spite of the contract allowing tenants to have guests for a limited time of fourteen consecutive days, the impression created to tenants is that their freedom is restricted. Privacy of tenants is compromised when the agreement restricts the sharing of bedrooms within the apartment. As mentioned earlier,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Organization Change and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organization Change and Development - Essay Example There is not one organization in the world that can survive the current business environment by resisting change (Kaufman, 2007). These changes are not random; rather they are the result of various factors which will be the focus of this paper. Factors Affecting Change The major forces that make organizational change inevitable, which can either be external or internal, are: economic, technological, social, political, legal, labor market and international environments. Every organization has its own unique goals and objectives which are related in one way or another to the changing business environment which is highly dynamic. These factors of change normally force the organization to re-evaluate and change its mode of operation, management and service delivery (Botha and Kourie, 2008). Technology may be the main factor of change that is being experienced all over the business world. The 21st century has been characterized by innovations and introductions of new technologies which ha ve affected the way people love and work. Perhaps the most important of this technological innovation has happened in the communication sector. The development of the telephone, internet and other forms of communication has entirely changed the business environment (Appalbaum, Close and Klasa, 1999). ... The market conditions in the 21st century have also changed quite a lot. Competition has become much stiffer than it was years ago. This competition has been heightened by the ever increasing number of businesses that offer the same or similar products and/or services. The battle to remain relevant in this kind of market environment is one that all organizations must fight on a constant basis. If it means that the organizations have to change the way they conduct their business, then there is no way around it. Globalization is a major reason why market competition has risen to such great heights (Appelbaum, Everard and Hung, 1999). A good example of a business environment that has seen many changes due to changing market conditions is India. After liberalization in the last two centuries, the country has experienced an influx of foreign companies and formation of many others. This has created such high level of competition that those organizations which could not keep up with the cha nge had to close down or merge with those that had already adapted to the changing business environment. Those organizations that were able to re-align their operations with the sweeping changes in the market are some of the countries best today. The political and legal environment is also as turbulent as the business environment of today. This is because it is also vulnerable to frequent changes, which also affect other spheres of life for individuals and organizations alike. Any changes of governance or administration in a country or a region may have great implications for businesses. For instance, if a democratic government is replaced by a totalitarian one, or vise versa, there is likely to be a major shift of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Statistics Research Paper based on a Regression Study Term

Statistics Research based on a Regression Study - Term Paper Example This paper seeks to investigate how household income levels influence prices. In particular, we are interested in investigating whether increases in average household earnings lead to higher costs of living. We use state wise data to explore the question. Given the nature of the data, the specific query that we seek to answer is: Does more affluent states tend to have relatively higher costs of living? The secondary questions are regarding the nature of dependence, i.e., is there a linear dependence or is there in fact a non-linear relationship among our variables of interest? In this section we discuss the basic economic theory that we intend to validate and then develop the hypothesis to test using the data. Economic theory establishes that other things remaining the same, higher income leads to higher demand. That is, if there is an increase in the income of the consumer, ceteris paribus, at each price the consumer will demand more of the good, provided it is not an inferior good (Varian, 2006). Now, given the market supply curve is fixed, such a rise in demand always results in higher prices for the good (Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2003). This is elaborated in the diagram below: In the diagram above, E1 is the initial equilibrium price. Now if there is an increase in income of the consumer, the quantity demanded at each price increases. As a result, the demand curve shifts from D1 to D2. Given the supply, curve remains unchanged, this results in the new equilibrium point E2. Clearly, the new equilibrium price P2 is higher than the initial price P1. Therefore, we find that higher incomes tend to boost up equilibrium prices. Extending this logic implies that localities where more affluent individuals reside should witness higher relative prices. This is because people with higher incomes will bid up prices of general merchandise and, thus, the cost of living could potentially be higher for such places. It is

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Inter-Professional Education, Working and Learning

Inter-Professional Education, Working and Learning What do you understand by the terms inter professional education (IPE), inter professional working (IPW) and enquiry based learning (EBL)? Discuss the potential benefits and difficulties associated with them The modern NHS is constantly evolving and arguably has done so since its inception. This evolution has been on many different levels. In this essay we shall consider some of the changes in the professional working and learning practices of the nurse with consideration of the topics of inter professional education (IPE), inter professional working (IPW) and enquiry based learning (EBL). We shall consider each in turn and then examine its relevance to modern day practice. Interprofessional education (IPE), IPE has been defined in a number of ways. One of the most complete is: The application of principles of adult learning to interactive, group-based learning, which relates collaborative learning to collaborative practice within a coherent rationale which is informed by understanding of interpersonal, group, inter-group, organisational and inter-organisational relations and processes of professionalisation. (Gough D.A et al. 2003) When reading the literature on the subject, one quickly becomes aware that there are a number of commonly used terms that are virtually synonymous with IPE, and contribute to the â€Å"semantic quagmire† referred to in the McPhearson paper (discussed later) that surrounds terms such as multi-disciplinary learning and multi-professional education. (Scottish Office 1998). In broad terms they describe the process whereby two (or more) professions or disciplines come together for the purposes of learning (Jackson, N et al. 2004). The important functional features of such a system are not that the individuals concerned learn the same material together but that there is a learning both about and from each other to improve collaboration and the overall quality of care provided and it is this latter feature which distinguishes the term IPE from the rest of the group mentioned earlier. (NCIHE 1997) The emergence of multidisciplinary teamwork and the seamless interface concepts (Yura H et al. 1998) have highlighted the need for smoother integration of both processes and knowledge (as well as other less tangible concepts such as mutual respect and understanding) between the caring professions. (CAIPE 1997) Quite apart from the ideological requirement for such processes to be adopted, we note that there is an increased pressure of guidances coming from central sources, primarily the Dept. of Health, that specify IPE as essential to the task of healthcare professionals and also a number of enquiry reports (such as the Kennedy report and other in the field of child abuse and mental health such as the Laming inquiry (2003)) that have highlighted the need for strengthening both IPE and interprofessional working Interprofessional Working (IPW) IPW is, to a large extent, a direct and natural consequence from the adoption of the concepts of IPE. (Molyneux J 2001). In essence, it describes the process of healthcare professionals collaborating in working together more effectively to improve the quality of patient care thereby allowing for both flexible and coordinated services and a skilled and responsive workforce. (McNair R et al. 2001). We should note that the adoption of IPW is seen as a key element in the optimum working of multidisciplinary team working which allows healthcare professionals to work competently and confidently across previously defined professional boundaries and it enables effective role substitution (Finch J et al. 2000) Enquiry based learning (EBL) This is essentially a description of a process of learning that is driven by a process of enquiry. It is complementary to the process of project based learning (PBL) which is determined by the end point of the solution of a problem and usually requires the creation of a finished product such as a project report or a dissertation. EBL is characterised by deep involvement and engagement with a complex problem and incorporates structures and forms of support which can help the student carry out their enquiries and can cover a broad spectrum of different approaches. The characteristic feature of this type of structured learning is that the tutor establishes the topic and the student then pursues their own lines of enquiry, both seeking evidence to support their views and also taking responsibility to present this evidence appropriately. In the words of Barrett: It promotes personal research†¦ the student becomes familiar with the multifarious resources at their disposal such as e-journals and databases. There is the opportunity to support one another in research and explore different avenues of information. The whole experience becomes one of interchange where students can share opinions, research and experience to achieve an end result. (Barrett et al. 2005) Collaborative working In essence, the forgoing paragraphs all come under the over-reaching concept of collaborative working. This is not an isolated academic concept, it is a very practical one. The literature on the subject is very informative. If we consider a number of specific examples from recent journals, we can cite the paper by Rogowski (J A et al. 2001) which produced an ingenious design of study to assess the degree to which a number of neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) could make improvements in both the quality of care and also the economic functioning of their departments by embracing the concept of collaborative multidisciplinary working. Ten NICUs adopted the collaborative multidisciplinary working model and their outcomes were compared with nine â€Å"controls† who did not. The paper is both long and complex and the analysis is exhaustive but, in essence, the authors concluded that such collaborative working practices could certainly achieve cost savings (which were comparativel y easy to quantify). They noted that these were certainly obtainable in the short term and most were sustainable in the long term. They also commented on the improvements in the quality of care parameters (which were much harder to quantify). There was an improvement in a number of indices of quality of care including patient (parent) satisfaction levels, staff satisfaction levels and this was not accompanied by any reduction in clinical outcome. On a wider consideration, one can turn to the paper by Anderson (P et al. 2003) Which describes the WHO’s collaborative survey on the management of alcohol problems in a primary health care setting. The paper starts with the premise that the handling of alcohol-related problems in primary healthcare is poor (and cites many reasons for this). (Aalto, M et al. 2001) . The relevance to our discussions here is that the paper considers the outcomes in this area when such problems are treated by the GP alone and when they are treated by a multidisciplinary primary healthcare team (IPW) and it is clear that the later group has a generally better outcome. These two papers are presented to support the hypotheses that IPW and collaborative working are not simply new mechanisms without foundation or substance, they are a demonstration of their ability to work in a practical field. If we now consider the benefits and shortcomings of IPE and IPW within the context of the modern NHS, we note that there is not only a consideration of the benefits of IPW between the various healthcare professional’s specialties but some authors also call for IPW between those healthcare professionals who work in primary healthcare teams and those who work in a hospital setting. The current structure of the NHS is such that hospital based practitioners tend to train, work, and have their horizons limited by the confines of the hospital environment. When the patient leaves this environment they become â€Å"someone else’s problem† and the care is then taken over by another team of healthcare professionals. Parsell ( G, et al. 1998) calls for both IPE and IPW to accommodate this rather artificial divide and to educate healthcare professionals into the consideration that it is the patient who is the constant factor and that considerable levels of collaborative work ing are required to provide optimum levels of patient care. A more recent paper by McPherson (K et al. 2001) takes this argument a stage further. It is both analytical and well written and the authors have an impressive pedigree (two professors of medicine and a lecturer in health administration). The paper puts education at the centre of the modernisation debate They make the very pertinent observation: Most health needs require the collaboration of a group of health professionals. The professionals involved may work together in the same space or be scattered throughout several hospital departments or sectors of care. Whether or not the caregivers see themselves as part of a team, each patient depends on the performance of the whole. The paper then makes a number of analyses form both practical experience of the authors and the current literature. They suggest that, in order to work well a work group or team should have the following characteristics: Clear aim: shared understanding of goals. Clear processes: knowledge of (and respect for) others contributions, good communication, conflict management, matching of roles and training to the task. (Headrick L A et al. 1998) Flexible structures that support such processes: skilled staff, appropriate staffing mix, responsive and proactive leadership that emphasises excellence, effective team meetings, documentation that facilitates sharing of knowledge, access to needed resources, and appropriate rewards. (Firth-Cozens J 2000) The authors cite an impressive and persuasive evidence base that IPW and collaborative working have been demonstrated to produce patient benefit in a number of specific areas including reduced mortality for the elderly. (Rubenstein L Z et al. 1991), morbidity after CVA (Langhorne P et al. 2001) and mortality after CABG (OConnor G T et al. 1996) to mention just three. Despite these clear and demonstrable benefits, the authors make the point that IPW is not just something that happens when professional training is completed, it should ideally be considered as part of a continuum of learning starting with the pre-qualification experience, continuing into postgraduate education, and extending into continuing professional development. They make a call (which has been echoed by many others viz. CGME 2000) for learning in the field of healthcare to be about healthcare as a whole, rather than a series of disjointed â€Å"chapters† in order to help the developing healthcare professionals to acquire a deeper understanding of the processes of care and also to prepare the professionals to be in a better position to contribute to the development of a better system in the fullness of time One of the impediments to a wholehearted embracing of these concepts is perhaps a clinging onto the older concepts of trying to blur boundaries between what a nurse and a doctor might do or perhaps how an occupational therapist or a psychologist might approach management issues. It seems to be a fundamental issue that need to collectively understand the different ways of thinking and problem solving that the different specialties require so that the different skills and knowledge bases can be combined in a way that benefits patients. (Koppel I et al. 2001) Part of the requirement of the writing of this essay is to reflect on the experiences gained in the EBL group work and the learning derived from the research for this essay. Gibbs reflective model is ideal for this purpose. The descriptive elements are largely contained within this essay and, in addition, my experiences within the various groups. It has to be said that the groups that I was involved with were largely harmonious and entered into the various learning exercises in a spirit of self-help. I am aware however, that a number of the other groups did not share this experience and I have been told about a number of heated discussions that apparently tool place within these other groups. My feelings are that instinctively I find the former more conducive to a positive learning experience. Although it can be useful to enter into a heated debate on a subject, it rarely helps to persuade you to a different point of view. (Taylor, E. 2000). The evaluation of the episode was that it gave me a personal insight into how other healthcare professionals consider and manage problems in their own sphere and, as such, I feel that I have learned a great deal and formed a deeper understanding of their perceptions and knowledge of certain issues. In terms of what I might have done differently, I believe that I was able to assimilate a great deal of useful information from these groups which will almost certainly help me in my professional career. On reflection, I think that I was not as vociferous as I might have been in putting my own viewpoint forward, and it occurred to me that the other healthcare professionals in the group may therefore not have had the same opportunity to assimilate my particular viewpoints and opinions and may therefore have been disadvantaged by this. (Palmer 2005). It is certainly clear to me that there is considerable benefit to be obtained in both IPE and IPW and the mechanism of EBL is a valuable tool to obtaining that benefit. In terms of a discrete action plan, I have every intention of engaging as fully as I can in any further measures in this regard and will try to make my own viewpoint available for others to assess and assimilate as actively as I have tried to assess and assimilate theirs. (Van Manen, M. 1997). I feel that this is a positive step in making all of us more fully professional and able to contribute more fully to the healthcare systems that we will eventually work in. References Aalto, M., Pekuri, P. and Seppa K. 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