Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Stem Cell Research Should it be Permitted

Stem cell related diseases affect over 100 million americans (White). Right now, there are plenty of government funds for stem cell research, and if we continue on the same path as we are now, stem cell research should be successful; however, the ethics used for embryonic stem cell research are incomprehensibly horrific (Stem cell policy). If this continues to be funded, it could have answers to numerous major diseases, including why they are caused, prevention, and cures for the diseases. More scientific research, however, needs to go into more possible solutions, to find a more humane method of treating these diseases that pleases both sides of the stem cell research debate, for the solutions, now, are not very strong. Because stem†¦show more content†¦Perhaps the most effective of those, however, are embryonic stem cells, which occur in the early development of an embryo, or a baby in the early stages of the womb, and they can change into any different cell type (Stem ce ll - about). The controversial topic of stem cell research has been a controversial topic for a very long time. In 2001, George Bush severely restricted government-funded stem cell research. In 2009, Barack Obama allowed it. The order says that National Institutes of health can produce new procedures and policies in which the money can be used. On August 23, 2010, a federal judge issued an order blocking all research of stem-cells, including that allowed even when Bush was president. On July 27, 2011, Royce Lamberth, Chief judge of the federal court in Washington, D.C., said that stem cells could be used for life-threatening diseases. The Court of Appeals agreed with this, and the case was brought to a close (Stem cell policy). There are many good things that could occur from embryonic stem cell research, including numerous areas of scientific potential. Over 100 million americans suffer from stem cell related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, etc., and a breakthrough in stem cell research could find causes and solutions of the problemShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells1034 Words   |  5 PagesFor decades, researchers’ use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. 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